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Prophetic Act - Opening The Heavens Over Our City

Written by Christopher Goins Monday, 31 December 2012. Posted in Audio (English), Videos (English), Training Series (English)

by Worshipers Network

Prophetic Act - Opening The Heavens Over Our City
On December 31st, 2012 – Worshipers Network had the privilege to join together with two other ministries here in our home city of San Rafael, Mendoza – Argentina.  The purpose was to come together for a special time or prayer, intercession, worship and prophetic declaration.
Apostolic and Prophetic Ministries:
    Casa de Dios - Apostle Adrian Llanten
    Casa de Bendicion - Pastor Jorge Morales
    Worshipers Network - Christopher and Doriana Goins

Early in the morning around 6:00AM we meet together outside our city in the nearby mountains to intercede on behalf of the church, city, providence, country and the nations of the world. Nearly a hundred of us joined together as we cried out to God for a spiritual awakening.  Below is a short 5 minute video highlighting this special prophetic gathering of God's people.

It is our prayer that 2013 will bring forth the Lord's very best in your life, family and ministry.  Please continue to pray for us as we move forward this year as we walking in God's purposes for our lives.

We need your help this year, please...

1. Pray for open doors of ministry throughout this next year.  Divine connections from God.
2. Pray for an spiritual awakening in the heart of God's people.
3. Pray for our family as we step into new areas of ministry this next year.
4. Pray for the needed resources to continue building the International Worshipers Training Center here in Argentina.
5. Pray about joining us here in Argentina for a missions trip.


Christopher & Doriana Goins
Worshipers Network

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About the Author

Christopher Goins

Christopher Goins Pastor

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